Below are a list of the questions we are regularly asked by people wishing to join the club.

If you have a question that is not listed below, please get in contact and we'll be happy to answer.

What are the benefits?

There are a number of benefits to joining Eastern Blues. We are an Official 1000 Chelsea Supporters Club with a Platinum Ticketing Level. This means our members receive the highest priority available to Supporters Clubs.

Click here for full details on the membership benefits.

How do I join?

Firstly you need to ensure you are either a Chelsea season ticket holder or member. Please click here for more information on Chelsea membership scheme.

If you click on the "become a member" button at the top of the page, you can complete the application form and pay your membership fee. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact the club.

Membership runs from 1st June - 31st May and costs £20 per year for Adults in the first year and £15 for renewals per annum. Under 18's are free.

Can children join?

Yes, we are a family based Supporters Club and have many existing members who are children. Eastern Blues membership is free for under 18's.

Do I have to attend every game?

No, you can attend as many matches as you wish, or none at all!

What is the membership fee for?

The membership fees cover the costs of running the club. We pay an annual affiliation fee to Chelsea, along with this there are other costs such as running the website and email systems, banking & payment fees, club stationery and expenses.

New members receive an exclusive Eastern Blues members pin badge and digital membership card.

Any surplus is put back into the club, in the form of subsidised travel, subsidised/free events or other benefits.

How do I order tickets?

Once you become a club member, you will receive log in details for the members only section of our club website. This gives you access to our ticket booking system, where you will be able to view the order periods, place orders, view the status of existing orders, confirm payments have been made, view your points total and more.

Are there any loyalty point requirements to order tickets games?

Chelsea FC's Supporters Clubs' policy stipulates that for games that they sell on loyalty points, Supporters Club members must meet a CFC loyalty points requirement in order to be eligible to order a ticket.

This requirement is as follows:

For games played from the start of the season until 30th November - Members 10 | Season Ticket holders 52.

For games played from 1st December - Members 20 | Season Ticket holders 62.

For games played from 1st March - Members 25 | Season Ticket holders 67.

This requirement is usually less than the points that would be required to purchase directly from Chelsea in the relevant sales window.

The club also operates its own loyalty point system (Eastern Blues points) which is used when our ticket allocation is oversubscribed. This is outlined in a separate question below.

Am I guaranteed tickets?

Eastern Blues is an Official Supporters Club with a Platinum Ticketing Level, which means we are given the highest priority for match tickets.  

On occasions the match ticket allocation that Chelsea gives to Supporters Clubs is oversubscribed. If the club does not receive its full allocation of tickets for a match, then tickets are issued using a loyalty points system, with priority going to those holding the EB+ membership tier and using club travel. 

Tickets are allocated to members based on their membership tier, if they are using club travel and the number of Eastern Blues (EB) points they hold. Members are initially spilt into four groups with each group being sorted by the member with the highest number of EB points, working down to the lowest.  

  • Group 1: EB+ members & using club travel to the match. 

  • Group 2: EB+ members & not using club travel to the match. 

  • Group 3: Standard members & using club travel to the match. 

  • Group 4: Standard members & not using club travel to the match. 

If there is no club travel for the match, then there will only be two groups. 

  • Group 1: EB+ members. 

  • Group 2: Standard members. 

 Tickets are allocated starting with group 1 and the member with the highest number of EB points, working down to the lowest. Then continuing this process with groups 2, 3 and 4 if applicable until our ticket allocation is exhausted. 

This system is in place to reward members who take an active part in the club. You earn Eastern Blues points for purchasing match tickets, using club travel and attending club events.  

We are not a ticket agency. If you are purely looking for match tickets and not wanting to take part in the Supporters Club and the many benefits that it offers, then we are probably not for you! 

Any member who we unable allocate a ticket to will be informed so they have the opportunity to purchase a ticket from Chelsea directly in their online sale. 

What is EB+?

EB+ is a membership tier that is being introduced for the 2024/25 season to give ticket priority to members who take an active part in the club, ahead of those that just want to purchase match tickets and bring the focus back onto the club/community element. Full details on EB+ and how you qualify for it can be found here.

Do I have to use club transport?

There is no requirement to use club transport, however we encourage it! Its a fun way to meet new members and make the journey more enjoyable. Also in cases where the Supporters Clubs allocation is oversubscribed and we do not receive our entire ticket order, using club travel forms part of the priority with the allocation process.

Do I still receive Chelsea loyalty points?

Yes, you still earn Chelsea loyalty points when purchasing tickets through the club, just as you would if you purchased directly from Chelsea.

How do I pay?

All payments to the club for match tickets and travel can either be paid via direct debit, or BACS directly into the club's bank account. Membership fees, events, and any merchandise orders you may place, are paid for using a credit or debit card.

Further questions?

Please click on the contact menu above and get in touch! We look forward to hearing from you!