Club Rules

By becoming a member of the Eastern Blues Official Chelsea Supporters Club (Eastern Blues), you are agreeing to adhere to the club rules outlined below.

General (Section 1)

  1. All Eastern Blues members who wish to purchase match tickets through the Supporters Club must either be a Chelsea member or season ticket holder for the current season. Your membership or season ticket number must be provided to Eastern Blues at the time of joining.

  2. All Eastern Blues members must abide by the match day and stadium rules set by Chelsea Football Club and the opposing team for away games. If the behaviour of any Eastern Blues member who is attending the match with a ticket purchased through Eastern Blues be deemed to be bringing the club into disrepute or place the club at the risk of sanction from Chelsea Football Club, this may result in the termination of Eastern Blues membership with no reimbursement for those involved.

  3. Eastern Blues has a zero-tolerance policy on bullying, drugs, racism and violence. All members are expected to treat everyone with respect, courtesy and equality and uphold the values of the club you represent. 

  4. Any member found to be violating the club rules may be asked to leave the club with no reimbursement. The decision of the Eastern Blues committee is final.

  5. Appeals may be made to the Eastern Blues committee members in writing via email. Any appeals must be received within 14 days of receiving notice of the termination of your membership.

  6. Club rules may be changed if said changes were to benefit the members of Eastern Blues and maintain or enhance the integrity of the club. Members may suggest rules but the committee will ultimately have the decision on any changes.

  7. Children under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian. A guardian is a person known to the child. 

  8. Permanent committee members of Eastern Blues are Adam Robinson, Chairman and Kevin Dedman, Club Secretary.

  9. Additional committee members are Pete Ablitt, Nicola Webb, Tony Gibson and Thomas Wheatley.

  10. If additional committee members are required the opportunity will be open to all current members.

Ticket Ordering, Allocation and Club Travel (Section 2)

  1. Match tickets ordered through Eastern Blues are strictly for the members own use and for the specific seat specified. Tickets are not transferable by members for use by another other person. Abuse of this rule will result in the termination of the individual’s Eastern Blues membership with no reimbursement.

  2. Members holding a match ticket ordered through Eastern Blues who are unable to attend the game must notify Eastern Blues a minimum of 5 working days before the match so that the ticket can be returned to Chelsea Football Club or re-allocated to another member. In both cases Eastern Blues will endeavour to obtain a refund for the original purchaser, but this is not guaranteed.

  3. On the occasions that the Chelsea Football Club allocation for Supporters Club is oversubscribed and Eastern Blues does not receive its full ticket allocation, tickets will be allocated using a combination of your membership status (EB+ or Standard), if you are using club travel for the fixture (if available) and our own Eastern Blues internal points system.

    Members are spilt into 4 groups for each fixture.

    Group 1 - EB+ member using club travel
    Group 2 - EB+ member not using club travel
    Group 3 - Standard member using club travel
    Group 4 - Standard member not using club travel.

    Tickets are allocated beginning with group 1, starting with the member with the highest points, working down to the lowest. We then complete the process again for groups 2, 3 and then 4 until all tickets are allocated.

    Membership status is based on attendance of club events - Click here to read more about EB+. Eastern Blues points are awarded for purchasing match tickets, using club travel and attending club events.

  4. Members are required to complete payments for match tickets, travel and other associated fees to Eastern Blues within 72 hours of these being requested. Failure to pay will lead to a removal club benefits for a minimum period of 3 months. Further occurrences will result in the termination of the individual’s Eastern Blues membership with no reimbursement.

  5. Eastern Blues cannot guarantee tickets for any game, but as a Supporters Club with a Platinum Ticketing Level, we are entitled to the highest priority.

  6. In the event of a match being cancelled, Eastern Blues will endeavour to provide a refund for any monies paid for tickets, travel and accommodation but cannot guarantee a full refund.

  7. Eastern Blues members using the club transport must abide by the legal requirements regarding organised transport to a football match. Any instructions given by the person in charge on the coach must be followed. 

  8. Eastern Blues cannot be held responsible for delay due to roadworks, breakdown, traffic, weather or any other unforeseen circumstances.

  9. Smoking is not permitted of any form of club transport and members are expected to keep the transport clean and tidy. Please dispose of your rubbish or take it home with you. 

  10. Eastern Blues reserve the right to deny travel to any member they believe may endanger the safety of other members, officials or transport.